Bismillahirrahmanir Rahim..just for a short post. Sometimes I just wonder why people keep pointing a finger to one another. Instead of they actually pointing 4 fingers to themselves, but it`s not to blame them coz of their futility, just it`s really a bit compassion for them.
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Did U spot anything in this pic? |
What are u see from this pic? A spot at a white canvas?
But I see a big white canvas, and a little small dot..just that, but still, I dun care about that dot. It doesn`t bother me at all, because I got a plenty clean pic. Why should I care about a small dot! =)
That`s what we are.. people like us, either u r a muslim in name or muslim in believe (what`s the different, ask Ustaz Google).. as long as u r human, have a humanity..Prospering the world with mankind, u r bonding to what we call a LIFE!
Life is what u are, are u perfect? Sure u are not! Because u are human, and u r worst when u still looking for a spot in people.. rather than to see a big ‘white side’ in ur fren, colleague or any people that u are attached in ur life.
And that dot will haunting u for rest of ur life..more u spends ur times to keep looking a dot in someone, the less ur times remain to get what a PRECIOUS life offers..or u just got nothing all. Life is simple, it teaches u good experiences. But every good experience just begins with a bad step!
Either U will changes a life, or life will change U! And I choose to be different ^_^
Short note >_<
U= you
Ur: your
R: are
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